Carbon Neutral Bioluminescence Tours in Tobago

Carbon Neutral Bioluminescence Tours in Tobago

Tobago has become one of the must-visit destinations for experiencing bioluminescence. Unlike more popular locations, Tobago offers a less crowded and more serene environment. At Stand Up Paddle Tobago, we are proud to offer a 100% carbon-neutral tour by using kayaks.


Did you know that an average three-hour boat tour with a single engine can emit nearly one tonne of CO2? In some countries, that accounts for 25% of your annual carbon footprint. Our goal is to achieve zero carbon emissions, which is why we exclusively use kayaks and stand-up paddleboards for our tours. No gas, no waste—100% green.


Our tours are currently running until September 7th and will resume from September 20th to October 5th. Click here for more information on our Bioluminescence Tours.