Learn something new today!

Learn something new today!

Learning something new is key to expanding your happiness in life. Challenging yourself, sharpens the mind and body and always brings a big smile to your face. A lesson with a knowledgable teacher can help you to master skills that would take time to figure out on...
A Beautiful Day for Stand Up Paddle

A Beautiful Day for Stand Up Paddle

Here are a few pictures from our a stand up paddle lesson last month. A beautiful day with beautiful people. Our lesson begins Practicing turns We paddled to Cocoreef! We returned along the coast Finished with a Big SMILE! Duane Kenny is the owner of Zoe Snorkelling...
Nature’s Beauty

Nature’s Beauty

“All you need in life to lift your spirit is to take a moment and gaze at Nature’s beauty.” Spectacular Bioluminescence Tours are happing this month, book soon by clicking HERE Duane Kenny is the owner of Zoe Snorkelling Charters (www.snorkeltobago.com), Stand Up...