Adventures in Stand Up Paddling

Adventures in Stand Up Paddling

This stand up paddle lesson we had a bit of a rare surprise. We had a baby shark come and hang out with us. This little lovely was just a little bigger than the my hand but super cool. Sharks are endangered so any time we see one it’s a blessing. Come and learn to...
Beginner Stand Up Paddle Lessons

Beginner Stand Up Paddle Lessons

Another Beautiful Day at Stand Up Paddle Tobago. Come and learn to Stand Up Paddle with us. Click here for more information or call us 868-681-4741. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...
All Age Stand Up Paddle

All Age Stand Up Paddle

Last week we had a great group of stand up paddle learners from Trinidad. With the summer providing us with calm seas and beautiful paddling conditions everyone learned their advanced turns quite quickly. Here are a few photos from the epic session. If you are...
Summer Bioluminescence Action for the Whole Family

Summer Bioluminescence Action for the Whole Family

It’s Summer time in Tobago at last, and the moon has decided to give us the perfect time to show off glowing plankton. Starting from this Friday night (the 22nd of July) till the 5th of August we will be running our Bioluminescence Tours. Our Bioluminescence Tours are...
High School Stand Up Paddle Fun!

High School Stand Up Paddle Fun!

Last week we had a big group of High school Students from Chicago that came to learn to stand up paddle on Pigeon Point, Tobago. Lots of laughs, water fights fights, and good times were had. Here are a few pics. If you re interested in learning to stand up paddle...